Ostatnio odnalazłam swój smak - czyli jak zrobić najlepsze smoothie na ziemi!!!
Cudowne ciepłe powietrze oraz piękne gorące słońce nareszcie dotarło do Polski! Narzekamy, że za gorąco, ale tak na prawdę, ile mamy słonecznych dni w naszym kraju? Cieszmy się więc, że możemy skorzystać z tej pięknej pogody choć przez parę tygodni w roku!
Czasami też zdarza mi się pomyśleć o upale, szczególnie, że pot mi spływa po plecach gdy siedzę w pracy, gotuję czy nawet zaraz po letnim prysznicu.
Z drugiej strony nic nie zastąpi widoku słońca za oknem, gdy rano otwieram oczy. Nic nie zastąpi cudownych ciepłych wieczorów nad Wisłą, czy w restauracji lub nawet na balkonie. Nic też nie zastąpi chęci wychodzenia z domu i do późnych godzin przesiadywanie ze znajomym na świeżym powietrzu przy lampce wina!
Staram się więc widzieć pozytywy takiej pogody, o którą zawsze tak bardzo prosiłam.
Tego typu klimat sprzyja eksperymentom w kuchni.
Jemy raczej lekko, spożywamy mniej ciepłych i ciężkich posiłków, a w naszym menu pojawia się więcej owoców i warzyw.
Bardzo się cieszę z takich wyborów, ponieważ jestem maniaczką zdrowego jedzenia!
Ze względu na pogodę oraz zainteresowanie moim kulinarnymi eksperymentami zapraszam Was do przygotowywania domowych pysznych smoothe's!
Dziś przedstawiam Wam jeden z nich.
Ostatnio każdy dzień rozpoczynam śniadaniem w formie koktajlu.
Po przebudzeniu szklanka ciepłej/ letniej teraz wody z cytryną (to już stosuję od kilku lat), a za chwilę zimne smoothie.
Moim ostatnim odkryciem jest bananowo-czekoladowy koktail.
Oto przepis:
1. Banan
2. Mleko kokosowe bio
3. Wiórki kokosowe bio
4. Łyżka kakao
5. Lód
Te składniki miksujemy w blenderze, a na koniec posypujemy nasionami chia, konopii i dodajemy trochę owoców np. borówki amerykańskie i jeżyny.
Pyszne, zdrowe i orzeźwiające smoothie gotowe!
A teraz do dzieła kochani!
Love , Ewa
Recently I found my favourite taste! That's why I will present to you how to make the best smoothie on the earth!
The summer is finally here!
Wonderful warm air and beautiful hot sun finally came to Poland! We complain that it's too hot, but really, how many sunny days do we have in our country during the whole year? Let's be happy that we can take advantage of this beautiful weather at least for a few weeks a year!
Sometimes I think about the heat, especially because the sweat runs down my back while I'm at work, cook or even shortly after a shower.
On the other hand, nothing beats the sunset view behind my window when I open my eyes in the morning. Nothing can replace the wonderful warm evenings at the Vistula river, whether in a restaurant or even on you own balcony. There also is no substitute for desire to leave the house and into the late hours hanging out with friends, catching fresh air and drinking a glass of wine!
I try to see the positives of such hot weather, especially that I have always asked for great summer in my country!
This type of climate is conducive to experimentation in the kitchen.
We choose light dishes, we consume less hot and heavy meals, in our menu appears more fruits and vegetables.
For this I am very happy because I am a healthy food maniac!
Due to the weather and the interest for my culinary experiments I invite you to prepare delicious homemade smoothie's!
Today I present to you one of them.
Recently I start every day with a fruit cocktail.
After waking cup I always drink hot / now it will be warm water with lemon (I already do it for a number of years), and after a while I make the cold amazing smoothie.
My recent discovery is the banana-chocolate fruit cocktail.
Here is the recipe:
1. Banana
2. Organic coconut milk
3. Organic coconut flakes
4. Spoon of cocoa
5. Ice
All these ingredients mix in a blender, and finally sprinkle with the seeds of chia, hemp seeds and add some fruit on top, for example: blueberries and blackberries.
Delicious, healthy and refreshing smoothie is done!
And now it's time for you to try!!!
Love, Ewa
Recently I found my favourite taste! That's why I will present to you how to make the best smoothie on the earth!
The summer is finally here!
Wonderful warm air and beautiful hot sun finally came to Poland! We complain that it's too hot, but really, how many sunny days do we have in our country during the whole year? Let's be happy that we can take advantage of this beautiful weather at least for a few weeks a year!
Sometimes I think about the heat, especially because the sweat runs down my back while I'm at work, cook or even shortly after a shower.
On the other hand, nothing beats the sunset view behind my window when I open my eyes in the morning. Nothing can replace the wonderful warm evenings at the Vistula river, whether in a restaurant or even on you own balcony. There also is no substitute for desire to leave the house and into the late hours hanging out with friends, catching fresh air and drinking a glass of wine!
I try to see the positives of such hot weather, especially that I have always asked for great summer in my country!
This type of climate is conducive to experimentation in the kitchen.
We choose light dishes, we consume less hot and heavy meals, in our menu appears more fruits and vegetables.
For this I am very happy because I am a healthy food maniac!
Due to the weather and the interest for my culinary experiments I invite you to prepare delicious homemade smoothie's!
Today I present to you one of them.
Recently I start every day with a fruit cocktail.
After waking cup I always drink hot / now it will be warm water with lemon (I already do it for a number of years), and after a while I make the cold amazing smoothie.
My recent discovery is the banana-chocolate fruit cocktail.
Here is the recipe:
1. Banana
2. Organic coconut milk
3. Organic coconut flakes
4. Spoon of cocoa
5. Ice
All these ingredients mix in a blender, and finally sprinkle with the seeds of chia, hemp seeds and add some fruit on top, for example: blueberries and blackberries.
Delicious, healthy and refreshing smoothie is done!
And now it's time for you to try!!!
Love, Ewa
Cudowny przepis pani Ewuniu!! Czekam na wiecej propozycji koktajlowych😊zdrowe i bardzo smaczne💙
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję bardzo! :) Pozdrawiam, Ewa
UsuńNow I am ready to do my breakfast, later than having my breakfast coming again to read additional news.